Curriculum Vita
Name: Dongjune Lee
Teaching/ Workshop instructor
Web Design Class/ Fine Arts (Drawing) Class instructor
Current - 2018 * Art/Web/UX/UI Master
Current - 2015 * Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) New York Metropolitan Chapter Art/it/web/UX/UI Master
2019 - 2018 * Free Web Design Class instructor, SBC(Small and Medium Business Corporation) in New Jersey USA. (
2017 - 2015 * Guest Lecture, Web Design Class, Doallexpress Corp. , NJ.
2017 * Guest Lecture, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, CENTRAL BOOKING, New York, NY.
2014 * Guest Lecture, Theory and Practice in Art, National Academy Museum & School, NY.
2012 * instructor, Mix Media(Heat-Transfer Dye Techniques); National Academy Museum & School, NY.
* Guest Lecture, Mix Media;Printmaking, National Academy Museum & School, NY.
2011 * Guest Lecture, Mix Media;Printmaking, National Academy Museum & School, NY.
2010 * Guest Lecture, Web design & consultant,
* Guest Lecture, Disperse Dyeing, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, NY.
* Guest Lecture, Drawing in Transfer dyeing, Art Students League of New York. NY.
2009 * Guest Lecture, Mix Media class, Art Students League of New York. NY.
2008 * Guest Lecture, Web design and web consultant,, NJ.
* Guest Lecture, Silk Screen class, Fine Arts International, NJ.
2007 * Instructor, Web design & Drawing, EAI Consulting & Training in New York. NY.
2006 * Instructor, Web design & Advanced Drawing, Career Education International Group, NY, NY.
* Guest Lecture, Art foundation class, Wonkwang School Art Program. Queens, NY.
2004-2003 * Teaching Assistant, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
-Fall, 2004. Drawing I (Art 1316-02), (Instructor of record)
-Spring, 2004. Drawing I (Art 1316-01) (Instructor of record)
-Fall, 2003. Drawing I (Art 111-02) (Instructor of record)
2004 * Guest Lecture, Drawing class, Palo Duro High School, Amarillo, TX.
* Guest Lecture, Oriental painting, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
* Guest Lecture, Transfer Dyeing, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
2003 * Teacher’s Assistant, Drawing I (Art 111-01) Spring West Texas A&M University, TX.
1994 * Guest Lecture, Computer-aided weaving class, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea.
1996-1993 * Drawing instructor, Daegu Drawing (Děssin) Institute, Daegu, Korea.
Solo Exhibitions
2010 * The 3rd Solo Exhibition : SINABURO III, Broome Street Gallery, New York, NY.
2004 * M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition, The 2nd Solo in USA. West Texas A&M University,
Mary Moody Northern Hall Gallery, Canyon, TX.
2003 * The 1st Solo Exhibition, "Si-Na-Bu-Ro", Mary Moody Northern Hall Gallery, Canyon, TX.
Group Exhibitions
2019 *Artist-Craftsmen of New York, Noho M55 Gallery, New York, NY.
2017 * Artist-Craftsmen of New York, CENTRAL BOOKING, New York, NY.
2016 * Artist-Craftsmen of New York, CENTRAL BOOKING, New York, NY.
2015 * Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
* Creative Mischief, National Academy Museum & School, New York, NY.
2014 * Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
* 2014 YEAR-END EXHIBITION, National Academy Museum & School, New York, NY.
* 2013 - 2014 MID-YEAR EXHIBITION, National Academy Museum & School, New York.
2013 * Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
* 2nd Annual Summer Exhibition, selected art show, Manhattan Borough President's Office, New York, NY.
* The Class Show, National Academy Museum & School, New York, NY.
* Asian Influences and Dreams, selected art show, Sonia Gechtoff Gallery, New York, NY.
* Printed Echoes ;Photographs and Print, Sonia Gechtoff Gallery, New York, NY.
2012 * 2012 YEAR-END EXHIBITION, National Academy Museum & School, NY, New York, NY.
* Selectied Artists Open House, National Academy Museum & School, NY, New York, NY.
* The Class Show, National Academy Museum & School, New York, NY.
* Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
2011 * Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
* The Concourse show, The Art Students League of New York, NY.
2010 * Exhibition Outreach, Park Avenue Bistro, Selected Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, NY.
* Artist-Craftsmen of New York, Broome Street Gallery, New York, NY.
* CAA ARTexchange, Riverside Center East, HYATT REGENCY CHICAGO, Chicago, IL.
* The Concourse of 12 artists, The Art Students League of New York, NY.
* Red Dot Exhibition, Selected art show, Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, NY.
* Producing- Films And Videos, Macy Gallery at Columbia University, NY.
2009 * Small Works Exhibition, Manhattan Borough President's Office Gallery, NY.
* CAA ARTexchange, Los Angeles Convention Center;
-LA. Convention Center Concourse Foyer of the west Hall, Los Angeles, CA.
2008 * Moment, Fine Arts NY Selected group show,
-Maxim Lounge gallery(Hotel Stanford), Manhattan, NY.
* March, Korean Village selected group show,
-Korean Village Open Center Gallery, Queens, NY.
2004 * West Texas A&M University faculty Show, Canyon, TX.
* AC/WT selected Art Show, Amarillo College Museum, Amarillo, TX.
* The Faith City mission Selected Artists Show. Amarillo, TX.
2003 * Art This Show, Mary Moody Northern Hall Gallery, Canyon, TX.
* AC/WT selected Art Show, Amarillo College Museum, Amarillo, TX.
2002 * Art This Show, Mary Moody Northern Hall Gallery, Canyon, TX.
* AC/WT selected Art Show, Amarillo College Museum, Amarillo, TX.
1996 * B.F.A. Thesis Exhibition, Keimyung University Gallery.(catalogue), Korea.
* The 2nd Si-Na-Bu-Ro group show, Adams Gallery.(catalogue), Korea.
* The 11th Keimyung Textile Show, Keimyung University Gallery, Korea.
* The 9th Sunmi Design show, National Competition, Korea. (catalogue)
1995 * The 1st Si-Na-Bu-Ro 4-group show, Adams Gallery, Korea. (catalogue)
* The 10th Keimyung Textile Show, Keimyung University Gallery, Korea.
* The 14th Daegu Industrial Design Show, National Competition, Korea.
1994 * The 9th Keimyung Textile Show, Keimyung University Gallery, Korea.
* The 7th Sunmi Design Show, National Competition, Korea.(catalogue)
* The 9th Daegu Textile Design Show, National Competition, Korea. (catalogue)
* The 14th Daegu Fabric Art Design Show, National Competition, Korea.
1993 * The 8th Keimyung Textile Show, Keimyung University Gallery, Korea.
* The Korea Textile Association Show, Daegu City Art Hall, Korea.(catalogue)
* The 8th Daegu Textile Design Show, Korea.(catalogue)
2019 * Outstanding Merit, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, Noho M55 Gallery, New York, NY.
2017 * Honorable mention, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, CENTRAL BOOKING, New York, NY.
2015 * Outstanding Merit, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
2014 * Outstanding Merit, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
2013 * Honorable mention, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
2012 * Outstanding Merit, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
2011 * Outstanding Merit, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, New Century Gallery, New York, NY.
* Honorable mention, The Art Students League of New York, NY.
2010 * Exhibition Outreach, Park Avenue Bistro, Selected Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, NY.
* Red Dot (winner of 2009-2010), The Art Students League of New York, NY.
2008 * Honorable mention, Fine Arts NY Selected group show, NY.
2004 * Harrington EML Academic Excellence Scholarship, Canyon, TX.
-2002 * Levi and Margaret Cole Endowment for Fine Arts Scholarship, Canyon, TX.
* Amarillo Fine Arts Association Scholarship, Amarillo, TX.
* West Texas A&M University Tuition Waiver Scholarship, Canyon, TX.
1996 * Honorable mention, The 9th Sunmi Design Contest, National Competition, Korea.
* Honorable mention, The 11th Daegu Textile Design Contest, National Competition, Korea.
1995 * Student Body President of Keimyung Textile, Keimyung University, Korea.
* Honorable mention, The 14th Daegu Industrial Design Contest,National Competition, Korea.
* Honorable mention, The 10th Daegu Textile Design Contest, National Competition, Korea.
1994 * Honorable mention, The 7th Sunmi Design Contest, National Competition, Korea.
* Honorable mention, The 9th Daegu Textile Design Contest, Korea.
* Honorable mention, The 14th Daegu Fabric Art Design Contest, National Competition, Korea.
1993 * Special prize & Honorable mention,
- The 8th Daegu Textile Design Contest, National Competition, Korea.
Professional Experience
Current ~ 2016 * USA Web Marketing Counselling Director and CEO,, USA
Current ~ 2015 * Web Master, KSEA New York Chapter. NY.
2017 * Faculty position screen committee member, 2016~2017.
Fine Art Department, Keimyung University, Korea
- Screened an art faculty for Fine Art Department at Keimyung University
2015 ~ 2012 * aT Center NewYork market monitor and reporter.
(24 reports sent to South Korea aT Center)
(South Korean Government branch in New York)
2009 * Faculty position screen committee member, 2009.
Fine Art Department, Keimyung University, Korea
- Screened an art faculty for Fine Art Department at Keimyung University
2008 * Head Juror, FANY art exhibitions and contest
Fine Arts International; Fine Arts NY Association, X-pose Gallery, NJ.
- Screened committee members and selected five honorable artists.
2004 * Guest Juror, TAPP art exhibitions and contest
- The Texas Association of Private and Parochial school Academy, TX.
2003 * Invitation Designer, The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum. Canyon, TX.
- Designed opening reception invitation card for Collection of "Little Black Dress".
1996 * The Founder of “Sinaburo” Exhibition.1996,
- Launched the SINABURO group show for the first time in Korea.
*** Bibliography ***
2013 * GALLERY & STUDIO, Vol.16 NO.1, Sep/Oct 2013, New York, page 22.
2011 * GALLERY & STUDIO, Vol.14 NO.1, Sep/Oct 2011, New York, page 11.
2010 * New York Korean Times, On February, Korean Artist show coming, New York, NY., February 2nd, 2010, internet online press.
2008 * New York Korean Times, 6 people Moment at MAXIM LOUNGE, New York, NY., April 10th, 2008, internet online press.
* New York Korean Times, Meeting online then Show offline, New York, NY. March 6th, 2008, page C-3.
2004 * The Prairie, Gallery shows student’s expressions of time, Canyon, Texas, October 14, 2004, page 7.
* The Canyon News, WORKS OF ART, Canyon, Texas, October 14th, 2004, page 5.
* The Amarillo Globe News, AC WT Show offers Variety of creativity, Amarillo, Texas, March 21st, 2004, page 9B.
2003 * The Canyon News, CANYON PEOPLE-WTAMU graduate art student studies sequence of events, Canyon, Texas, September 11th , 2003, page 1, 3.
* The Canyon News, LAST CHANCE TO SEE LEE, Canyon, Texas, September 18, 2003, page 5.
*** Membership***
* Artist Craftsmen of New York, a member since 2010
* The Art Students League of New York, a member since 2009
2015- 2011, Abstract Painting, National Academy Museum & School
2009- 2011, New Media, The Art Students League of New York
MFA. 2004, Studio Art( Painting & Drawing; thesis title; “Si Na Bu Ro”), West Texas A&M University
BFA. 1997, Industrial Crafts Art, Keimyung University
Major fields; Fiber craft, Textile Design, Ceramics, Wood craft and Metal-smith.
Certification / License
2006 Certificate No. 3529- Intro Web Design/HTML
Certificate No. 3530- Adobe Dreamweaver
Certificate No. 3531/3532- Adobe Flash & Adobe Flash Expert
Certificate No. 3533/3534- Final Cut Pro & Final Cut Pro Advanced
*** All certifications are based on Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator.
Career Education International Group, 2006
2006 New York teacher Permit #44546898. State of New York Education Dept.
-----Last edited on June 2022-----